The Chronicles research project explores how Russians perceive the war in Ukraine. We regularly conduct polls and focus groups to understand how people's opinions and sentiments change over time. Our goal is to provide an objective and multifaceted picture of public opinion, going beyond simplistic numbers and propaganda clichés.
We use both quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (focus groups) research methods to gain an in-depth understanding of the situation. Tracking the dynamics of public opinion allows us to identify trends, assess the impact of events and make predictions. All our data is open and available for further research by anyone to ensure the transparency of our research.
Outcomes of 2 years of war and citizens' expectations of a “special electoral operation”.
23-29 January 2024
Focus groups
The elections, the economy and the future.
October-November 2023
Economics and ideology. How do economic difficulties affect support for the war?
10–16 October 2022
Mobilization: an express poll. How did Russians react to the start of mobilization and which of them are ready to fight?
21–22 September 2022
29–30 September 2022
Victory or Peace? How has the level of Russian support for the ‘special operation’ changed? and whether they expect ‘victory’
29 June — 5 July 2022
Crisis of Faith. Russians understand the goals of the war less and less and are not keen to participate in it
14–19 May 2022
The darkness before the dawn? Who supports the war and what Russians and Ukrainians would like to say to each other
10–18 April 2022
One month later. What are Russians thinking about in the fifth week of the war?
26–30 March 2022
Military censorship. How to measure fear and how does censorship affect Russians?
10–13 March 2022
First Look. What were Russians saying in the first week of the war?
28 February — 2 March 2022